Space Warrior

Space Warrior is a top-down, twin-stick, bullet hell shooter, made for the 'Very First Extra Creditz Game Jam' with the
theme: 'Awesome Per Second'.
This was a really fun, short, Jam project that I created solo; my idea was to create a shooter inspired by
Nier:Automata's top-down shooter sections; as those were the moments that I felt the game provided a lot of
'Awesome Per Second'.

I decided that I wanted to make it into an arcade game instead of using a scripted level progression, so
I designed it to have a barrage of enemies come down from random spawns off the top of the screen to get the
screen filled with bullets; however, I give the player a may to deal with not just the enemies, but the projectiles.
I added an evade function which gives the player 1 second of invincibility to help them dodge a barrage of
bullets, and the projectiles the enemies fire are either 'Breakable' or 'un-breakable' allowing the player the chance
to shoot some of the enemy projectiles out of the sky.

In the end I was proud of what I created, and it's turned into something I enjoy playing on my down-time; however, I wanted
to take it some stop further. Because it was made in UE4 I decided to test the game on mobile devies, which works
pretty well although the twin-stick controls on mobile can get in the way of the play area, so I fell I may still work
on the mobile version.

IF you would like to play Space Warrior yourself, you can find it by clicking the link below.